Sunday, June 30, 2013

Budhi Gandaki hydropower to start from next fiscal year

The government has committed to allocated budget for the Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Project in the budget for the next fiscal year 2013-14.
The government has recognised Budhi Gandaki as one of the projects of national pride, said secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office Krishna Hari Baskota, here today.
The 600 MW hydropower project to be constructed along the border side of Dhading and Gorkha districts, will help end load shedding in the country, he said, adding that the construction cost of the project is also comparatively lower.
He also informed that the project would be developed soon once the French company Tractebel Engineering SA submits its reports on feasibility study, DPR and tender. “The project is expected to complete by 2022.”
Likewise, chairman of Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Proejct Development Committee Dr Laxmi Prasad Devkota said that it would be completed within eight years if the existing legal provisions were cut short.
Former minister Gangalal Tuladhar, on the occasion, said the project would be one of the examples in the country.
Budhi Gandaki Hydropower Project – a storage type project on the Budhi Gandaki River – was identified during the Gandaki Basin Study in late 70's. In 1984, a pre feasibility study of the project was prepared. The pre feasibility study of the project has recommended 600 MW capacity plant with FSL 520 masl.

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